Monday, February 28, 2011

A Flashback Blog

Timothy Reed
February 28, 2010
B2 Comp Apps

Hello there readers this post that I am writing to you is about Lebron James former basketball player of the Clevand Cavalier. Last year Lebron James was signed to the Miani Heat team bringing them victories and bringing hatred to all of his cavalier fans. The article about Lebron was found on This article was written by John Butler.
    Many people thought that Lebron and the heat members were not going to work together because of the way Lebron controlled his team last year. Since Lebron has been on the Heat they were the first team to have the record of 10-0.Lebron, Wade, and Bosh are holding it out and the Heat team is on the role. Even with switching teams Lebron will be Lebron and his fans should love him no matter what.
     I decided to go back and touch on my feelings towards the big trade. I felt like I have never told my blog readers how I felt about LeBron coming to the Heat. Lebron once said “We’ve all had to sacrifice things from our games to make this work,”  “This is why we came together, to be able to play together and win together.”  Every since Lebron stated that I was on side with the trade. The Heat are not really at there full potential as of February 28, 2010 but we will show everyone one day.
A flashback Blog

Friday, February 25, 2011

No Trades Necessary

                                                                                                            Timothy Reed           
                                                                                                            February 24, 2011
                                                                                                            B2 Comp Apps

            The article entitled “Miami Heat unlikely to make any trades before deadline” is an article on the Miami Heat. I found this article on the Miami Herald website. The author of this article is Barry Jackson. This article states how no trades are likely to be made to the Miami Heat roster. Coach Spoelstra said, “We both feel that what we have is enough.”
            From the article I read I gain some knowledge. Learning new things about my favorite team is always interesting. In previous blogs you can see that the Miami Heat future is always talked about. I also like to stay up to date on the Miami Heat as well.
            I like the fact that we will not be making any trades. I think we have a great team. We are the best team in the NBA. In order for us to show the rest of the NBA how good we are, we need to work harder. I like our team I just feel like we need to be more organized. In the future we will need to be more organized to win.