Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lakers say what???

                                        Timothy Reed
                                        March 10, 2011
                                        B2 Comp Apps

        The Lakers are trying to get to our heads. The Los Angeles Lakers claim that the Miami Heat needs more time to build their team up before winning championships. They claim that like the Lakers, it will take years for each other to know each other extremely well. Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant says “I think the difference between us, is that we all know what our roles are.” This article entitled “The Lakers Can Tell the Heat a Few Things,” was discovered at the New York Times website. The article was written by Howard Beck.
        I love hearing other teams talk about my team. When other teams talk about the Heat I just love proving them wrong. This shows my feelings toward the Miami Heat. I feel like when other teams talk about us they are just jealous.
        I do not like what the LA Lakers said about the Heat. I think that just because it took their team to become very comfortable with each other a long time does not mean it will be the same with us. In the future we will show them just how comfortable we are by beating them tonight at seven.
Lakers say what???

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bibby Arrives

    Bibby is here. The Miami Heat has sign Mike Bibby after he took a pay check cut. He was picked up with the Heat after he left the Wizards. This information was given from the Associated Content website. The author of the article I read is Ryan DeVault.
    This news was not that surprising but it was interesting. In my previous blog I told my readers how Bibby was coming and this just proves me right. This is good to see us have a person on the floor that can move the ball more and not have to worry about scoring. 
    I like the pick up. With Bibby here all  we have to do         on offense is get open. Bibby will make our offense a lot more better. On the other end defense will need to be improved against In the future we will we become ten times better in offense. We will need to also improve in defense.
    Bibby Arrives

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Another Big Pick-Up

    I guess the Heat will be making some changes after all. It has been said that veteran point-guard Mike Bibby will be coming to Miami. The Miami Heat cleared room for Mike Bibby by releasing Carlos Arroyo. My source of this information is from the New York Times website. I found an article on the website written by the Associated Press.
    As I stated in previous blogs, learning new things about the Miami Heat is always interesting. Being so that this is a new topic its even more interesting. The final decision from Bibby will be made on Wednesday night.
    I like this likely pickup. With this pick up we will increase our chance of going to the championship tremendously. When we get Bibby we will be put to the test because Thursday we will play Orlando. In conclusion Bibby at Miami is a real good move that we need to take advantage of.

Another Big Pick-Up